How to add/edit/delete FTP user
You can add, edit or delete FTP user using our hosting control panel.
Log in to the control panel using your username and password.
To create a new FTP user select the domain from the list of your domains, and click on "FTP Accounts".
In the "New FTP account:" section enter login and password for the new FTP user. (In our example, login: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and password: sercet)
If you want the program to generate a random password, click on "cogwheel" right of the password field. If you want to view typed in or generated password, click on "lens" right of the password field.
In the Path field is recommended to select the folder "subdomains/www/html", so when you connect to FTP you will get directly into the root directory of your web page.
Click on "Accept" to create a new FTP user.
To edit an FTP user, click on the username (in our example This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in the section "List of your FTP accounts".
Enter a new username and password for the selected user, and click "Accept". Here also you can delete the selected FTP user.